Sunday, July 22, 2007

quick and dirrrrty...... grrrrrrrr...... dirrrrty

so, quick and dirty presentation with a three minute video....
Our group consists of myself, Ellena Linden and Cat Gaunlet...

We are making our presentation on a animation which we are pitching to an unknown broadcasting agency... The animation we are pitching/selling is a pilot episode. The basic plan at the moment is that Cat will introduce our business name and company obective type thing. She will also cover target market/audience. Then we will see a snippet of the pilot...

Then ellena will talk about creating the elements to a certain style... accompanied by a slide show type thing of what the behind the scene character design was like... she will also cover production of viaual and aural elements as to creating a feel appropriate for those aged between 7 and 12 and those young at heart... I think....

Then we will show the end of the pilot which reveals the twist in the story which is the selling point. Each episode will have an equally revealing ending... I will also go on to say where this project can be taken in the future... eg, merchandise, movies, colouring books, story books, collectibles, board games, mini flash games..... educational aspects... During the part where i'm saying this. i'll have examples of merchandise, movies, colouring books, story books, collectibles, board games, mini flash games....

so anyway, thats about it for now.... cool

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